Borderlands 3 – How to get Scourge [Updated]

Came here looking for the Scourge in Borderlands 3. Here is how to get it.

Borderlands 3 – How to get Scourge

Scourge – Weapon Description

The Scourge is a Rocket Launcher of the Legendary or Orange rarity in Borderlands 3. According to the community, It is one of the best Rocket Launchers that you can obtain in the game right now and it totally makes sense as the things this weapon can do is pretty insane.

If you came here after watching those one-shot Graveward videos then you already know why this Rocket Launcher is so powerful. But if you don’t know, The Scourge has the potential to eliminate bosses who do not have immune phases in just a single shot. All you have to do is pair this weapon with the Unforgiven pistol and Fl4k’s Fade Away ability and you will see bosses drop down with a blink of an eye.

So what makes the Scourge so special? Well, this Rocket Launcher fires a single rocket that consumes 4 ammo. And that one rocket spawns more rockets spiraling around it. The longer the rocket is in the air, the more rockets it will spawn and they all deal the same amount of damage. This weapon can roll with different elements.

Let us take a look at the description of the Scourge. The one I will be showing here is the Shredded Scourge (Level 50) :
[Note: All the stats given below is exclusive to the Shredded Scourge. They might vary in case of other prefixes.]

  • Manufacturer : Torgue
  • Damage : 5093
  • Accuracy : 81%
  • Handling : 41%
  • Reload Time : 4.3s
  • Fire Rate : 0.77/s
  • Magazine Size : 4
  • Red Text : Or am I?

Here is a video showing how powerful the Scourge really is. I shot the Rocket Launcher towards the weak point of Graveward and switched to my Trick Unforgiven to make use of the high critical damage of the pistol. And just when the projectiles were about to hit the weak point, I immediately activated my ability to increase the damage to an unimaginable level.

Where to find the Scourge?

Update : The Scourge now has a dedicated drop source. In order to get the Scourge you need to go and farm a mini boss who is also a Legendary Hunt spawn, Brood Mother. You can find Brood Mother at The Pyre of Stars at Nekrotafeyo. Even though all Legendary Hunt enemies have a guaranteed spawn, Brood Mother doesn’t spawn every time. Here is the exact location :

Let me start by saying that the Scourge is a World Drop which means it can drop from anywhere. But if you still want some locations to farm for this here they are:


The Graveward is one of the best bosses that you can farm in the game for legendary loot. If  you are at TVHM and Mayhem 2-3 difficulty then you will get a Legendary drop every time. And if you are lucky enough then he might even drop 3-4 Legendaries at a time. This boss has a better drop rate than Tyreen The Destroyer.


Another way of getting the Scourge is by farming the mini boss at Athena, Chupacabratch. If you are already at TVHM then you should have no problem in getting the drop in a couple of tries.

Hoarder Tink

You can also farm the Hoarder Tink at Jakobs Estate in Eden-6. Now a lot of you might say that Gearbox has already patched the Hoarder Tink and it does not spawn every time. Well, there is actually a way to make the Hoarder Tink spawn every time. All you need to do is start Borderlands 3 via the Epic Launcher without being connected to internet. If you didn’t know, you need internet connection to start Epic Games Launcher but you do not need internet to play Borderlands 3. Without internet the game will start at Local mode and this is what you want. On offline mode the Hoarder Tink spawns every time. Kill the tink, quit to main menu, start again, repeat. Here is the location of the Hoarder Tink:

Once the farm is done you can turn on your internet connection and refresh your Epic Launcher by visiting the Store page so that you do not face any problem with cloud saving.

[Note: We would highly recommend to create a backup of your save files. You can find your Bl3 saves at this location : My Documents/My Games/Borderlands 3/Saved/SaveGames. Just copy the entire folder inside SavedGames and paste it somewhere else.]

That’s all folks!

Last Updated on December 11, 2019

1 thought on “Borderlands 3 – How to get Scourge [Updated]”

  1. Just wanted to drop a FYI, it seems that the Scourge will only drop from Broodmother on Mayhem 4. I did 100 runs (when she showed up) and didn’t get it on M3 but got it on run 5 on M4.

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