How to Unlock Foggy or Shaded Areas of the Map in Forspoken

The open world of Forspoken, named Athia, when you open the map, is foggy or shaded, let’s say. The map stays so until you visit a particular tower. Additionally, you’ll need to visit that tower to unlock more quests too. Hence, In this article by Frondtech, we’ll be guiding you with how you could unlock the foggy/shaded areas of the map in Forspoken’s open world! Keep reading to learn more:

How to Unlock Foggy or Shaded Areas of the Map in Forspoken

How to Unlock Foggy or Shaded Areas of the Map in Forspoken

There’ll only be a limited amount of tasks/quests that you could do in the area you’d be starting the game’s plot in. It is only as you progress the game that you get access to the rest of the open world, and once that happens, you’ll find out that the map is shaded/fogged. In order to get access to more activities around the map, you’ve got to find belfries. 

On the map, you might see a circle with a symbol, there should be multiple of those, and these are the belfries you should be on the lookout for. To unlock the shaded parts of the map, make your way to one of these belfries and interact with them. This’ll unlock a part of the map for you, which’ll also get you access to the activities that the particular area would have to offer. A lot of these locations hold powerful Cloaks, Nails, and Necklaces for you to get.

You can keep repeating the same process if you’re looking to unlock more sections of the map and get access to some more activities. It does make sense to get as much mana as you can now, doesn’t it?

Hold on, there’s another way! You could unlock those areas by reading the books in the refuges. These are safe houses where you can rest, read some books, and craft stuff you need. At times, there’ll be a book before the room with the bed. If you read the book, you’ll unlock locations to more refuge houses in the realm of Athia. 

Once you’ve done both or either of the ways using which you could unlock the shaded areas, you’ll have access to certain locations on the map and some activities too. Another use for the belfries and the refuge houses is that you can always fast-travel to one of those when you need to!

That’s everything we had on how you could unlock the shaded/fogged parts of the map in Forspoken.

If this guide has helped, let us know in the comment section below. And for more Forspoken Guides, keep an eye on Frondtech.

That’s all, folks!

Last Updated on January 27, 2023

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