Are there Vehicles in Lego Fortnite?

Short answer? Well, kind of. There are certain make-shift vehicles in Lego Fortnite that you can craft to get around quicker than foot (certainly) but to make this happen, there are a few requisites to be covered. Find in this article by Frondtech, all about the Vehicles in Lego Fortnite!

Are there Vehicles in Lego Fortnite?

Vehicles in Lego Fortnite

Before we get into it, we just have to inform you that you won’t find any Vehicles just lying around. You’ll need to craft them, and it’s a pain to make that happen, given the farming and playing hours involved. However, if you find making it around on foot challenging as it is, and you’re motivated enough to craft one of those, here’s how you could craft a vehicle in Fortnite Lego!

To make this happen, you’ll first need to unlock vehicle parts, which you’ll be able to find in the “Toys” section of your build menu. To do this, you’ll need to get your hands on a bunch of resources. Here’s a list of them, along with how you could get it:

Flexwood – Arguably the hardest one to come by, can only be found in the desert biome, and you’ll also need a tier-three axe to farm the same. Once you’ve found it, you’ll unlock the Dynamic Foundation and wheels that you need to make a basic car.

Dynamic Foundation for vehicle in Lego Fortnite

Blast Powder – This is needed to make thrusters that’ll move your vehicle around, along with Silk Fabric will unlock balloons for you.

Blast Powder in Lego Fortnite

There are three types of vehicles you can craft: a car, a boat, and a flying thing (you can’t call it an airplane, you’ll know why soon enough). But, as for a boat and a car, they’re quite simple to craft. Just place a dynamic foundation, attach thrusters to it, and follow up with four wheels. One problem, though, is that there’s no way to steer it, and you’ll only be able to move forward in one direction (the opposite direction of the thrusters).

You’ll also need an activation switch to turn the thrusters on. Also, these thrusters are delicate and if you end up destroying them, you won’t get anything out of it.

The flying thing, on the other hand, is a bit more complicated. You’ll need four balloons, one on each side, to ascend into the atmosphere. Place the thruster wherever you deem fit and don’t forget about the activation key. Once you’ve placed all four of the balloons, the foundation will start ascending. Once you’re high up in the sky, just activate the thruster and start moving.

Once you’ve reached your desired location, all you need to do is destroy one balloon on each side (across) to safely descend. If you destroy more, you’ll likely take fall damage. If you don’t do this correctly, your structure might become unstable, and once again, you’ll fall.

That’s all there is to know about vehicles in Lego Fortnite, they’re a struggle, but you’ll get where you need to quicker! Have you crafted one yet? Let us know in the comments below!  Later, folks!

That’s all, folks!

Last Updated on December 12, 2023

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