Starfield: Go to The Eye or Defend the Lodge in High Price to Pay

Many decisions players make in Starfield are meaningless in the long run. Still, we can’t say the same for deciding whether players choose to go to the Eye or to defend the Lodge, as this decision has significant consequences, among other decisions. This comes during the latter or towards the end of the main story mission, ‘High Price to pay’. 

The following guide contains spoilers, so read at your own risk!

Go to The Eye or Defend the Lodge in High Price to Pay

After the players return to their lodge in New Atlantis, they get the news of their companions being attacked on the Eye by ‘Hunter’, a Starborn. Here, players must choose whether to head to the Eye to rescue their companions or stay at the lodge and defend it. No matter what the player decides, both will have quite lethal repercussions. 

High Price to Pay

Choosing between going to the Eye or Defending the Lodge

No matter what players choose to do, during the High price to pay, the mission’s name will become very explanatory as to why it is called so, as one of the player’s companions is bound to die. Now, no fixed companion will die, as this depends on a few factors, with all the companions being at risk equally. To figure out which companions will leave you soon, players first need to see which of the two companions are at the Eye and which are at the lodge. If the player chooses to stay and defend the lodge, then one of the companions at the Eye is bound to die, and vice versa.

The game makes this mission a bit more cruel because among the two players, the companion that dies would be the one with whom the player has a stronger relationship. The only benefit is that players can choose the companion with which they have the strongest bond and head there to ensure their safety. 

The choice of Staying and Defending the lodge:

The players who decide to stay at the lodge and defend it will face Hunter. After a brief encounter, they must go down the basement through the tunnels until they reach the New Atlantis’ Well area. Players will encounter Hunter quite a few times, and eliminating him once is a great choice as it provides players with a bonus weapon, but eliminating him repeatedly is not worth it and is merely pointless. Moreover, eliminating him multiple times comes with the risk of mistakenly hitting a civilian and thus obtaining a bounty for it. 

After they finish the above, they need to head off with the help of their ship, where again they will be contacted by the Hunter from Scorpius, which is his ship. At this point, a conversation prompt and choosing dialogue would not make any difference. However, if the player had eliminated him earlier, as mentioned, they would receive the mentioned bonus weapon, the rare laser rifle named ‘Unrestrained Vengeance’. After this, players head to the Eye, where they find a companion dead. 

The choice of Going to the Eye:

The choice of Going to the Eye

If players choose to head to the Eye, they must remember to do this as quickly as possible because Hunter will appear soon at the Lodge, thus choosing them. Players can fast-travel to the Eye when they leave the Lodge to find everyone alive. This won’t be the same for the companions back at the lodge, as when players return, they will find a companion of their dead. From here on out, things go back to being pretty much like before, and all the survivors escape with the help of the basement. 

The choice: Explained

Among the important choices that players make in Starfield, the decision to go to the Eye or defend the lodge is an important one, given that depending on the player’s action throughout the game, one of their companions (out of the 4 main ones) die in the High Price to Pay mission. This could be a difficult decision for players who have never tried their hands at a game like Starfield. However, they must act quickly. 

As for which of the companions will die, here is what players need to know:

  • For the lodge, the companion who says that if the player tries to leave, they will barricade the doors will be the one who will die if the player chooses to head to the Eye. 
  • For the Eye, the companion with a better relationship with the player dies if the player chooses to stay at the Lodge and defend it. 

That sums up everything about Starfield: Go to the Eye or Defend the Lodge in High Price to Pay. Stay tuned with us for further updates!

So, that is all about “Go to the eye or defend the lodge” in Starfield. If you think this guide has helped you, then let us know in the comment section below. Also, you can check out our other guides on Starfield. Good luck.

That’s all, folks!

Last Updated on September 13, 2023

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