How to Remove or Delete Items from Inventory in Diablo 4

Diablo 4 allows you to Salvage or delete your items or gear. It is just that you won’t be able to do it on your own. In this article, I will show you how to delete or remove your gear from your inventory in Diablo 4.

How to Remove or Delete Items from Inventory in Diablo 4

How to Salvage Items in Diablo 4

  1. The first thing you need to do after starting the game is play through all the prologue missions.
  2. After you have done that, you need to look for a Blacksmith.
  3. The very first blacksmith that you come across in the game is at Kyovashad region of Fractured Peaks. The blacksmith we are talking about here is Zivek the blacksmith.
  4. To reach the blacksmith easily, just open your map and click on the Anvil icon.
  5. Interact with the blacksmith, and you will see all your gear and items on the right side of your screen, and you will notice a hammer icon on your items.
  6. Click on that hammer icon to start salvaging your items.
  7. Now select the items you don’t need in your inventory and delete them one by one.
  8. The best way to do it is before you go and interact with the Blacksmith just mark the items you don’t need as junk.
  9. Now just interact with the blacksmith and select Salvage all junk items.
  10. Once you Salvage a gear, you will get back the crafting materials, and the skin on that gear will get unlocked in your wardrobe.

That is everything I have regarding how to delete or remove your items from your inventory in Diablo 4.

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That’s all, folks!

Last Updated on January 30, 2024

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