How to get Glacius Spell in Hogwarts Legacy

Glacius Spell Hogwarts Legacy – We are having a great time playing Hogwarts Legacy, mainly because of the game mechanics. We loved how the spells are executed in the game and are hungry to unlock more spells as the game progresses. One of the most important spells you can learn is the Glacius, but it will need you to play a significant portion of the game before you can get a chance to unlock it.

The Glacius is a spell to freeze-blast enemies. This spell will be taught to you by Madam Kogwa after you have completed her first Flying Assignment. The assignment is pretty straightforward and will be based only on Flying. But completing this assignment will help you learn this new spell.

So this article will guide you on how to get the Glacius Spell.

How to get Glacius Spell in Hogwarts Legacy

After Percival Rekham’s Trial Quest, you will return to your room in Hogwarts. As soon as you have control of yourself, press the M button to open up the map to find the available side quests. Madam Kogwa will send you an Owl Post regarding an assignment you must complete and report back to her. Madam Kogwa is your flying Professor, so this assignment will be based on your flying skills.

You can track this side quest on the Hogsmeade Station, but you don’t need to go anywhere and interact with anyone to start this side quest. You can quickly begin this quest anytime by going to the Quests Menu and then selecting the “Track this Quest” option, and you are done.

madam kogwas assignement

Then follow the yellow pathway until you reach outside of Hogwarts. Your main task is to Pop balloons in two different locations. Don’t worry, as there are no time limits, and you can take your time to do it. You will have to pop five balloons in the Hogsmeade Station and 5 in the Quidditch Pitch.

location of madam kogwa assignment

I first attempted the Hogsmeade Station, and all you need to do is take a ride to the Hogsmeade Station on your broom following the white marker on the minimap, and you will find blue balloons with golden stars floating in the air. To pop those balloons, all you need to do is fly through them.  They are very close to each other, and if you are confused, remember that those balloons will be inside the purple circle only, and you will be able to spot them easily.

pop balloons

After popping those balloons, head back to Quidditch Pitch. Simply follow the white marker on your minimap, and you will be able to reach there quickly. Pop the balloons using the same techniques in Quidditch Pitch, and you are done.

pop balloons in quidditch pitch

Return to Madam Kogawa by following the yellow marker and interacting with her. After the cutscene, she will finally teach you a new spell known as the Glacius.

glacius spell

After she teaches you, Madam Kogwa’s Assignment 1 concludes, but she adds that you can practice this Glacius Spell on the dummy inside the office. Practice it for a while before taking her to leave.

glacius freezing spell

So this was all about how to get the Glacius Spell in Hogwarts Legacy.

If you think this guide has helped you, then let us know in the comment section below. Also, if you are facing other game problems, try checking out our other guides on Hogwarts Legacy. Who knows, you might end up finding a fix.

That’s all, folks!

Last Updated on February 17, 2023

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