How to fix OnCreateSessionCompleteDelegate bWasSuccessful issue in Palworld

If you are on the Xbox Consoles, then you should be aware of this Oncreate Session Complete Delegate b Was Successful == false popup that has been ruining the players’ multiplayer experience. If you are also a victim, then in this article, we will guide you on how to fix the “Oncreate Session Complete Delegate b Was Successful == false” issue on Xbox Consoles.

How to fix OnCreateSessionCompleteDelegate bWasSuccessful issue in Palworld

How to fix the OnCreateSessionCompleteDelegate bWasSuccessful issue in Palworld

These are some of the quick fixes that we have found worked for a lot of players if you are playing Palworld on Gamepass using an Xbox Console.

  1. As soon as the popup appears, click OK, and it will start working after a minute.
  2. If you have added a hyphen to your World Name, remove that so that it only has letters. Remember, there shouldn’t be any special characters on your World name. This should fix it, as it helped fix it for a lot of users.
  3. You can also make the issue go away by trying to change the difficulty level to Custom without changing any settings in the game.
  4. If you are having an issue popping up, start with any Single-player mission, quit the mode, and start playing with the multiplayer mode again.
  5. You can try verifying the game files on your console, and it fixes the issues for a lot of players as it downloads specific necessary files that are required to run the game.

You will face these minor issues since the game was launched recently. So, I suggest you wait for the developers to release some performance patches. If the game is still unplayable for you,, you might want to send the developers a ticket.

So this was all about fixing the “On Create Session Complete Delegate b Was Successful Issue” in Palworld.

For more Palworld guides, keep an eye on Frondtech. We will cover every technical issue of the game. Good luck.

Thats all, folks!

Last Updated on January 19, 2024

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