Best Skills for Peter in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2

In the latest Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, the keys to success are simply your skills. Whenever you level up in the game, you get 1 skill point that you can choose to allocate between 3 of your skill trees, namely Peter, Shared, or Miles. This is only till the level cap of 60. If you want to know what are the best skills for Peter in Spider-Man 2, then you have come looking to the right place. Here is a breakdown of all you need to know!

Even though Peter starts with his awesome robot spider arms, he will be soon, in the game, get the Black Suit, which will also mean, the sweet symbiote powers that will come with it.

Best Peter Skills in Marvel's Spider-Man 2

Best Skills for Peter

Here is a list of the best skills for Peter, or the skills that you should allocate to the Peter skill tree:

  • Spider Whiplash
  • Spider Rush
  • Spider Shock
  • Symbiote Strike
  • Symbiote Yank
  • Symbiote Yank: Empowered
  • Surge: Ready to Glow

Let us see in detail as to why each of these skills is worth spending your hard work on.

  • Spider Whiplash
  • Spider Rush
  • Symbiote Strike
  • Other ability unlocks
To be honest, you won’t have to work much to obtain the abilities of Peter, as the game gives you most of the abilities from the skill tree. Now, compared to Miles, some of you might find the skills of Peter a bit lackluster, but trust me, the damage is insane. Spider Whiplash, the game helps you unlock for free while you are doing the tutorial. The abilities that I would recommend that you unlock after that are Spider Shock and Spider Rush. For Symbiote Strike and Symbiote Yank, you will have to wait for the Symbiote Suit to get unlocked. You can unlock these abilities after that.
  • Symbiote Yank: Empowered
Even though all the ability upgrades are excellent when you talk about Peter, there is one particular one that just stands out, and that is the Symbiote Yank. Moreover, the Empowered version is even better as it enables you to, with a single cast of this ability, grab all the on-screen enemies. This sort of reminds me of Prototype. This is probably why the Symbiote Yank is one of the best abilities in the game, as then you have the power to clear the entire area in a glimpse.
  • Surge: Ready to Glow
In the game, anything that helps you regain energy for your abilities is simply the best in the game, and this means the ability of Surge: Ready to Glow. With this ability, the moment your Symbiote Surge comes to an end, it refunds every skill cooldown. Although, even on its own, this is an excellent ability, when it is paired alongside the other Surge upgrades of Peter, and also the Ultimate Assist from the skill tree ‘Shared’, it makes Peter an unstoppable beast that is best suited for the Symbiote Suit.

That is pretty much all that I had on Best Skills for Peter in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2. Stay tuned for further updates!

If you think this guide has helped you, then let us know in the comment section below. Also, you can check out our other guides on Marvel’s Spider-Man 2. Good luck.

That’s all, folks!

Last Updated on October 21, 2023

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