Watery Lighthouse Cult Stash Code in Alan Wake 2

In the latest Alan Wake 2, players will find a cult stash close to the Watery Lighthouse. However, if you are looking to access its contents, then you will have to crack its code and unlock it. Now, for the code, you will have to set the lock in such a way by rotating its discs that they are by three specific symbols that you will be finding in this area itself.

So, if you want to create a combination by identifying these symbols in this area and unlock the Cult Stash of the Watery Lighthouse in the game Alan Wake 2, keep reading to find out!

What is the Watery Lighthouse Cult Stash Code?

Watery Lighthouse Cult Stash Code in Alan Wake 2

The first and foremost thing to be done to open the Watery Lighthouse Cult Stash is to take out your flashlight. Doing so will reveal the Cult Symbols in the area and that yellow paint is used to mark them. However, you don’t need to focus on all of these symbols. Only pay attention to the ones that have the Hash Marks. Although there are a lot of symbols that have marks like circles, squares, and other shapes, you only need to pay heed to the ones that have the marks of an I, II or III, as these are the only ones that you require for this puzzle.

You are free to find these markings on your own, but a few of you might want to skip this step and get information on the relevancy of these symbols. So, if you want to locate it for yourself, you can skip ahead and read, while for the rest who want a little help can refer to the following:

  • I: It would have two stacked triangles that are pointing downwards. 
  • II: It would have two stacked triangles that are pointing upwards. 
  • III: It would have two triangles that are side-by-side and would be pointing downwards. 

Markings in Alan Wake 2

After you have the symbols, you need to head back to the Cult Stash and put in the symbols there. To explain it further, you need to rotate the top disc so that the symbol I am in alignment with the red line, and the same has to be done for symbols II and III, and align them with the red line. 

One thing to note is that after you have decoded the Cult Stash, another puzzle that is very near to this one is the Watery Lighthouse Nursery Rhyme, so you may want to address it altogether as it is quite efficient. However, for this, make sure that you have all of the requisite Dolls collected, and if this is the case, then you will have to plan another visit to the Watery Lighthouse. 

Cult Stash Code

That is all that I had on Watery Lighthouse Cult Stash Code in Alan Wake 2.

If you think this guide has helped you, then let us know in the comment section below. Also, you can check out our other guides on Alan Wake 2. Good luck.

That’s all, folks!

Last Updated on November 1, 2023

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