How to Upgrade Weapons in Saints Row 2022

Get the vibe of GTA while playing the recent action game, Saints Row 2022. This action game was developed by Volition and published by Deep Silver. Get ready with your crime squad to explore this adventure game.

If you are good at destroying things, then don’t forget to explore every corner of Santo Ileso, which is the fictional city of Saints Row. Try to defeat your foes to level up in this adventure world, complete the daily mission and decorate your inventory with impressive rewards.

In this action game, to defeat the main bosses in a shot, don’t forget to upgrade your weapons often since Saints Row has a variety of armaments with unique abilities. If you are out of weapons in your inventory, try to complete your daily challenges, do hustle missions, or buy them from the store.

If you don’t know how to boost your special armament, MDI-68 Focus Rifle will not be a good call when defeating your rivals. So, follow this article to upgrade your weapons in Saints Row 2022.

How to upgrade weapons in Saints Row 2022

How to upgrade weapons in Saints Row 2022

In this action-adventure game, you can easily upgrade your fiery weapons using the Friendly Fire store; before that, you have to unlock 3x Tiers to get weapons by reaching every five levels in Saints Row.

For instance, reaching level 5 will lead to unlocking Tier 1, where you have to use plenty of money to upgrade your weapons. If you want to know about the three levels and their cost per weapon, check it out below.

  • As I mentioned, reach level 5 to unlock Tier 1 and spend $5000 per weapon to upgrade.
  • If you reach level 10, you are unlocking Tier 2, where you upgrade your fiery weapons by using $25000 per weapon.
  • To unlock Tier 3, defeat main bosses to reach level 15 and start to upgrade the powerful weapon by spending $100000 for each firearm.

Once you have unlocked the tiers, click the pistol icon on the map to reach Friendly Fire to upgrade your weapons by following these steps.

  1. Once you have reached Friendly Fire, make a good conversation with the cashier.
  2. After that, choose your desired weapons to upgrade in this adventure.
  3. Next, don’t forget to check the stats of your weapon’s upcoming levels at the bottom right of your display.
  4. Finally, hit the upgrade key to ensure your purchase.

Remember that, If you want to upgrade more weapons, ensure you have enough money. If you don’t have enough money, claim Criminal Venture rewards and convert them to cash, which helps you to upgrade your weapons.

If you think this guide has helped, then let us know in the comment section below. Also, you can check out the other Saints Row guides on Frondtech. Good luck!

That’s all, folks!

Last Updated on September 9, 2022

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