How to fill Focus Bar fast in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2

The much-awaited Spider-Man 2 is finally out now, and fans worldwide have been jumping into the game to try their hands at being Peter and Miles. One of the gameplay mechanics in this game that you will be used in various instances and will prove to be extremely beneficial is ‘Focus’. Miles and Peter will use it often, given that this mechanic helps them use their powers. You will be using it in the game for many unique attacks. So, due to this reason, it is pertinent to gather as much of it as possible. Thankfully, there are a few ways to do so, and if you want to know what they are to quickly fill your focus bar in Spider-Man 2, then keep reading to find out!

How to quickly fill up your Focus in Spider-Man 2?

Know that the Focus bar is the one that you can find below your health bar, in the top-left corner of the screen. It is yellow by default, but you can easily change it from your settings.

Focus bar in Marvel's Spider-Man 2

Now, getting to the main point, that is, how can you quickly fill up your focus bar? Focus is a primary resource that you will use in Spider-Man 2 while you are in combat. While you are fighting the enemies, as you pummel against them, landing them with the perfect kicks and punches, the fancy attacks, and also the air combos in the game while at the same time evading their attacks, you will gain Focus continuously. When you are in combat, you can see for yourself that this bar will keep on increasing.

To get the most focus in the game, you will want to not simply land the classic strikes and the basic attacks, but instead, you want to build your combo meter. The main principle is that as you land attacks compared to when you are first starting a combo on the enemies as mentioned above, and if you get a higher combo meter, you will have more Focus.

Here is an alternative way to get focus quickly in the game, that is by evading and dodging the strikes of the enemies. You might even think of it as something that you can relate to your combo meter only, as when you get hit, your combo breaks. This essentially means that you will have to dodge the enemy attacks at the last moment. This last moment is when, on your screen, you see your spidey-sense become red. If you, or when you are not in attack mode in the game, the next best way to get Focus faster is to dodge.

The last and final way that you can build up your focus quickly in the game is by landing a Parry. Now, you might be confused as to what is it, but don’t worry, that is what I’m here for. Parry is a novel way in the game that you can use to avoid getting hit by your foes and at the same time also land on them, a special attack. Some of the enemies in the game that I feel you should use a Parry against and not simply head with a straight attack are the Kraven’s Hunters, who use swords and enemies like the heavy bruisers.

Now that you have filled up your Focus Bar, it is time that you let out your inner beast and land the enemies with the best attacks in the game. That is pretty much all that I had on how to fill Focus Bar fast in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2. Stay tuned for further updates!

If you think this guide has helped you, then let us know in the comment section below. Also, you can check out our other guides on Marvel’s Spider-Man 2. Good luck.

That’s all, folks!

Last Updated on October 24, 2023

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