Diablo 4 Config File Location

After a lot of anticipation, Diablo 4 is finally available. Apart from a few bugs and errors here and there, the PC version of the game, in its current state, is surprisingly playable. I mean, I have rarely experienced any issues during my 8 hours time of gameplay.

One of the most common technical items that one might need to look for while playing the game is Configuration file. However, finding config files is not an easy task, and one has to have a good knowledge of navigating PC drives to locate them. The good news is that we have already done the hard work for you. This guide will help you locate your Diablo 4 Config (or Configuration) file location on your PC.

Diablo 4 Config File Location

Here is where the Diablo 4 Config file is located by default:

  • C:\Users\[Your Username]\Documents\Diablo IV\
    Diablo 4 Config File Location

The name of the config file is “LocalPrefs”. It is a .txt file, which means it can easily be edited with the help of any text editor.

When you open the config file, you will notice all the in-game settings and some numbers in front of them.

Diablo 4 Config File

If there is a “0” in front of a setting, it means that the setting is disabled. Other than that, here is what the numbers mean:

  • “1” is Low
  • “2” is Medium
  • “3” is High
  • “4” is Ultra (Maximum)

Make the changes according to your convenience, save the file, and settings inside the game will get changed as well. Just make sure that you have some knowledge before editing the config file because if you make a random change in the file, which you weren’t supposed to, you can end up breaking a few stuff in-game. Also, make sure that you make a backup of the file at a different location before you proceed to make changes.

Is there a Diablo 4 Save Location?

I know that a lot of people are looking for the save file location of Diablo 4, as well. But as of know, that isn’t available because there is no way to manually save Diablo 4. It is an always-online game and saves automatically. Therefore, the save file cannot be extracted from the game separately.

If you think this guide has helped you, let us know in the comment section below. And for more Diablo 4 guides, keep an eye on Frondtech. We have covered plenty of technical issues and bugs for the game. Good luck!

That’s all, folks!

Last Updated on June 4, 2023