Starfield Fast Travel explained

Traveling from A to B in the latest Starfield would take players forever without fast travel. If you are someone who wants to know how they can fast-travel in the game, then keep reading to find out!

Set in a huge Open world, Starfield is Bethesda’s latest RPG that spans various star systems all across the galaxy. Now, in such a scenario, across any new planet, walking all the way might feel quite overwhelming. One of the essentials in Starfield, being a game of size and scope, would be Fast Travel. Find out in the guide how to use this mechanic and where it can be used. 

Starfield Fast Travel explained

Fast Travel: Starfield

Like most of the titles by Bethesda Game Studio, the game Starfield allows its players to use the mechanics of Fast travel to make cross-planet trips quickly. Especially after the confirmation of there being no land vehicles in the game, the mechanic has suddenly become quite indispensable.

Yes, there are other options that players can consider for traveling a little quicker, like the jetpack, which can be equipped by players and then used across various terrains for scaling objects. Another way to hot foot from one place to another is Running.

Different types of Fast Travel: Starfield

Fast Travel will be available to players in various forms in the game, all of which will work similarly. Like the Elder Scrolls and Fallout Franchises, Starfield will also have the mechanic of Fast Travel across most of the places of interest. These might be cities, towns, even caves, and landmarks.

With the cities in the game Starfield being Bethesda’s biggest ever created, it is safe to assume that there might be fast travel across a few of the main cities across the galaxy in the game. And the biggest of them all, New Atlantis, might have the mechanism of fast travel available throughout its main locations. 

How to Fast Travel in Starfield

In Starfield, to travel fast, players must first pay a visit to the location where they want to travel fast. After the area is discovered, players can head to their map screen, hover their cursor over their desired destination, and select the option of Fast Travel.

Note that in the game, previously, as the new area loads, a loading screen popped up. Therefore, it is suspected that such a similar screen will also feature in Starfield between new places. Moreover, when on a planet, there are no named locations. Fast traveling there can be done only to return to a player’s ship, which is done in the same manner as traveling to new places. Firstly, open the map, select your ship’s icon, and then select the option of fast travel. 

That pretty much sums up all that there is to know about Starfield Fast Travel.

If you think this guide has helped you, then let us know in the comment section below. Also, you can check out our other guides on Starfield. Good luck.

That’s all, folks!

Last Updated on August 27, 2023

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