Are there Cars or other Vehicles in Starfield?

Starfield cars and vehicles – Starfield is an upcoming massively open-world ARPG developed by Bethesda game studios, and given how much there truly is to explore in the game, one might be wondering about the ways to get to places in Starfield and if you’re one of them. You’ve come to the right place, as this article will cover if there are Vehicles in the game and everything there is to know about travel modes in Starfield.

Keep reading as we get to the bottom of it!

Are there vehicles in Starfield?

Are there vehicles in Starfield

You might already know about the existence of a thousand planets that you can explore in Starfield; hence, the mode of transportation between or on those planets becomes a major issue. At this point, we know that interplanetary travel will take place with the help of Starships. Further, these ships in the game won’t just be used to get around; rather, you’ll find yourself smuggling and dogfighting other ships in the dark space! 

However, we might have bad news for you, as there probably won’t be any land-type vehicles in the game. As a replacement for that, though, you’ll always have a boost pack that you can utilize to jump across from one place to another. Further, there will be many creatures in the game, but you won’t be able to mount any as they probably won’t be as friendly as you’d want them to be. 

Players will likely rely on Fast Travel / Ships or Booster Packs until the modders get into the picture. The game’s direct showcase revealed that players can fast-travel back to their ships once they’ve landed at a destination. Modders will most likely bring in some form of land-vehicular travel vehicles such as land rovers, hovercrafts, or something of the sort. The game will keep things simple enough for modders to do their best, so we expect there to be much more than the game’s basic storyline! 

If there were a chance for the game’s developers to bring in some land vehicles, the same would probably take place in added DLCs. This, of course, doesn’t promise anything, but that’s the best shot of some land vehicles being added to the game we’ve got. 

The fact that no land-type vehicles have been added to the game might be on purpose, though, as Bethesda Game Studios would want their players to get the most out of the game’s graphics and surroundings, and this is better done by simply walking and getting a better perspective of everything that exists in the realm around you. In simple words, “Experience it yourself!”

That pretty much wraps up everything there is to know about whether there’ll be vehicles in Starfield.

If you think this guide has helped you, then let us know in the comment section below. Also, you can check out our other guides on Starfield. Good luck.

That’s all, folks!

Last Updated on August 27, 2023

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