How to Apply or Change Weapon Skins in Far Cry 6

Far Cry 6 change weapon skin – This guide will show you how you can change your weapon skin, or apply a new one, in Far Cry 6

Far Cry 6 – Changing Weapon Skins

Customization have always been a very important part of games, especially the AAA one. Everybody wants to make their in-game character, their guns, the gear look unique and interesting. And this is the reason why weapon or character skins have become so popular nowadays.

So does Far Cry 6 has customization? Yes, Ubisoft is known to include weapon and character customization in most of their AAA titles for the players to use. So how do you change the skin or color of your weapon in Far Cry 6? Let’s find out.

How to change weapons skins in Far Cry 6

In order to apply a weapon skin, you need one first. If you are sure that you have one, then this is what you need to:

  1. There are two ways of changing or applying weapons: Workbench and Arsenal
  2. The easy way, is via your Arsenal. Open your Arsenal
  3. Take your mouse pointer on the weapon you which to apply a skin on
  4. Press ‘F’, or whatever your inspect button is, to Inspect that weapon
    Far Cry 6 - How to change weapon skin
  5. On the ‘Inspect’ screen, you will notice your mod slots and two icons in the bottom-left corner
  6. Click on the one on the left. It will take you to the ‘Appearance‘ screen
  7. If you have skins in your inventory, they will show up on your ‘Appearance’ screen
  8. Apply the skin by clicking on it. The process of changing your skins is also the same
  9. If you click on the icon beside the icon of ‘Appearance’, it will take you to the ‘Charms‘ screen
  10. You can equip the charms you have unlocked from there

How to get more weapon skins in Far Cry 6

You need to look for Spray Cans around the world in Far Cry 6. You should get some skins for free with the Ultimate Edition of Far Cry 6.

If you think this guide has helped you, then let us know in the comment section below. Also, try checking out our other guides on Far Cry 6. Who knows, you might end up finding a fix.

That’s all folks!

Last Updated on October 7, 2021

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