Marvel’s Avengers Performance Guide – How to fix lag and boost FPS

Marvel’s Avengers lag fix and boost fps – A lot people are facing low fps problems in Marvel’s Avengers. Here is a performance or fps boost guide for that.

Marvel’s Avengers Performance Guide – How to fix lag and boost FPS

Target settings for different specifications

First of all, please keep in mind our targets with minimum and recommended specs. At minimum spec we expect you to be able to run the game on LOW settings at 30 fps/720p:

  • OS: Windows 10 64 bit
  • Processor: i3-4160 or AMD equivalent
  • Memory: 8 GB RAM
  • Graphics: NVIDIA GTX 950 / AMD 270 (min 2GB video ram)
  • DirectX: Version 12
  • Storage: 75 GB HDD space

However, we recommend a more powerful system to allow playing the game at a higher quality level:

  • OS: Windows 10 64-bit
  • Processor: Intel Core i7 4770K, 3.4 Ghz or AMD Ryzen 5 1600, 3.2 Ghz
  • Memory: 16 GB RAM
  • Graphics: NVIDIA GTX 1060 6GB or AMD Radeon RX 480, 8GB
  • DirectX: Version 12
  • Storage: 110 GB SSD space

There is a High-Resolution Texture Pack present as well. It is aimed towards users with well above recommended specs. This pack can be found in the DLC section of Marvel’s Avengers on the game’s homepage. You will need to check the DLC checkbox in order to download this pack and install it.


The first Options screen to check should always be the Display tab. It includes the following options:


Adjust this setting to adjust the brightness of the game for your display, viewing environment, and personal preference.


Enables HDR color output on supported operating systems and displays. HDR is only supported on Windows 10 Fall Creators Update (1709) or higher. To make the HDR option available HDR must be enabled in Windows display settings.


Higher resolutions can cost a lot of GPU power, and performance will often scale proportionally to the resolution. Especially close to minimum spec it may be worth it to run at a lower resolution while maintaining a higher graphics quality level.


Switch between fullscreen and windowed mode.

Exclusive Fullscreen

Enable this to allow changing to other native display modes as your windows desktop, including to be able to change the refresh rate.

Refresh Rate

Set the refresh rate for the display. Only available when exclusive fullscreen is enabled.


Enabling VSync synchronizes the rate at which new frames are provided to the screen by the game, preventing tearing. Using the Half Refresh Rate option limits the framerate to half the current refresh rate of the display, to allow for a more consistent framerate in situations where the full refresh rate cannot consistently be reached


Techniques to smooth out geometry edges. SMAA is a simple but effective solution that smooths most edges at a low cost. TAA is a temporal effect that uses information from previous frames to smooth edges and remove specular artifacts, it is our recommended solution for most users.

AMD Fidelty FX CAS

This option enables upsampling and/or sharpening using AMD’s Fidelity FX Technology.

Dynamic Resolution scaling

In situations where your GPU is the bottleneck this is a very useful feature to allow you to reach a consistent regardless of how hectic the game may get. Set it to 30fps to ensure your game will reduce resolution automatically to ensure the framerate does not drop below 30fps. You can also set it to 60fps to reduce visual fidelity but to keep aiming for 60fps no matter the action. When used in combination with VSync you also use to lock to a specific framerate.


Switching to the Graphics tab lets you change graphical features. You are given 5 presets for easy setup: Lowest, Low, Medium, High, Highest. For recommended systems, we recommend the ‘high’ graphics preset to start with. Changing any feature will set the preset to ‘custom’.

Screen Space Reflections

Screen space reflections are created by ray-marching into the on-screen image to create dynamic reflections in addition to the static scene reflections. High uses a stochastic algorithm which provides smoother and more realistic spread for reflections, especially on rougher surfaces. Disable to improve GPU performance.

Motion Blur

Makes movement appear smoother by blurring pixels along the direction of movement. Disabling improves GPU performance.


Allows bright spots on the screen to bleed light into the surrounding area. Disable to improve GPU performance slightly.

Volumetric Lighting

Volumetric Lighting creates realistic beams as light passes through foggy or dusty environments. Disable to improve GPU performance.

Ambient Occlusion

Ambient Occlusion darkens creases and corners in the game in order to add depth. HBAO+, developed by NVIDIA, improves visual quality but does cost extra GPU performance.

Level of Detail

This controls the complexity of the geometry. At higher levels objects will be more detailed and won’t drop to lower complexity models until they are very far from the player. This is CPU intensive. At lower levels geometry will be less detailed, but CPU performance improves.

Shadow Quality

Higher quality adds more detail to shadows with a higher resolution shadow map. On Ultra, Contact Hardening Shadows are added, which keeps shadows sharp at their base and softens as the shadow lengthens. Completely turning off shadows significantly improves performance on systems with slower GPUs, but at a major loss to visual fidelity. This is advised for systems below or barely at the minimum hardware requirements for the game.

Screen Space Contact Shadows

Generate additional sharp shadow details on surfaces. Disable to improve GPU performance slightly.


Tessellation adds more detail to select surfaces by subdividing geometry and applying displacement maps. Disable to increase GPU performance.
Particle Lights: High is the recommended setting for the most realistic particle lighting. Medium will reduce the resolution used to light particles, improving GPU performance.

Depth of Field

Simulates the effect of a camera where only a certain part of the view is in focus. In Medium mode it is primarily used in cinematics, and when set to High, foreground objects during gameplay are also blurred when appropriate. Low mode uses a different algorithm that slightly decreases visual quality but is less taxing on the GPU.

Texture Filtering

Higher quality filtering improves texture quality when viewing distant surfaces at an angle. A lower quality can improve GPU performance.

Texture quality

Higher quality increases texture resolution but increases the amount of video memory used. A lower quality improves performance on graphic cards with low video memory.

Lens Flares

Enable to allow bright lights to create internal reflection and scattering artifacts as if viewed through a camera lens.

Screen Effects

Disable to remove screen effects such as rain and dirt on the camera.

The graphics menu has the largest number of options for you to adjust. Be advised that while the performance of each individual one is limited having them all turned up together can severely impact frame rate when the hardware is not up to the task.


Useful links :

Click here to check out some more fixes in our stuttering and freezing fix guide for Marvel’s Avengers.

Click here to check out the Official Steam Discussions page of Marvel’s Avengers.

If you think this guide had helped you then let us know in the comment section below.

That’s all folks!

Last Updated on September 25, 2020

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