How to Trade Pokemons in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

Trading is the best way to collect rare pokemon from your friend and help others grow by exchanging them with them using this trading feature. There are two ways of trading Pokemons in Scarlet and Violet; we will discuss them in this article.

How to trade Pokemons in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

How to trade in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

You can start trading Pokemons once you have reached the first Pokemon Center. Then you will be able to unlock the Poke Portal, which is the only way to access trade. Once you have opened the portal, you must press X to access it. You’ll need to select the required Poke Portal and then the trade option. To remind you, an internet connection is a must to complete the trade and double-check if your router and console are correctly connected to high-speed internet before even setting up the trade portal.

So there are two ways of trading Pokemons in Scarlet and Violet.

  1. Surprise Trade
  2. Link Trade

Both of these ways are considered a good start for trading, although we suggest relying on something other than the Surprise Trades even on Special days, as they are not much rewarding and will be more of a gamble.

Link Trade

Once you are inside the Poke Portal, select the Link Trade option. This is available when you have a friend to trade with. Start by selecting the ‘+’ and setting up a Link Code. Remember to make it unique and then pass it on to your friend. Hit the Begin Searching option, and once you and your friend are connected, select the pokemon you want to trade from among the boxes by pressing the A button. You will have to press the “Trade It” option after that. Your friend will also be able to send their trade offers, and you can accept them if you like them. Accepting the request will complete the trade process, so please ensure you are happy with whatever you are trading in or out for.

These Link trades can be made both online and offline. Online is the best way of trading with friends, while offline trade is only possible if you have the Link code ready and your friend is only a few feet away from you.

Surprise Trade

The Surprise Trade is a gambling method. It follows the same menu patterns, just like Link Trading but adds a bit of a surprise element. When you select the Pokemon you wish to trade, it will return to the overworld during the trade. You will quickly get a notification popup, and then you must press the Y button. The menu will reopen, and you must select the Surprise Trade option once more to see what rewards you get. Most of the time, the rewards will be smaller than you would expect, but we have reports from players who got their hands on the rarest pokemon. Most of the time, you will get the Yungoos Pokemon. The features are helpful, but it would have been better if gathering friends at the Union Circle Function had been more streamlined.

So this was all about how to trade Pokemons in the Scarlet and Violet.

If you think this guide has helped, then let us know in the comment section below. And for more Pokémon Scarlet and Violet Guides, keep an eye on Frondtech.

That’s all, folks!

Last Updated on January 3, 2024

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