How to get Print Resin in The Cycle Frontier

Print Resin The Cycle Frontier – Yager challenges you with its brand-new action game titled The Cycle: Frontier. It is a free-to-play PvPvE action game. Once you enter Fortuna III, you’ll feel the effect of holding your breath. If you’re new to this game, your first step will be more suspense with unexpected dangers. Be careful of your every movement on this planet.

In this first-person shooter game, you’re playing as prospectors whose life is dangerous every 20 minutes while in the match. Use those 20 minutes wisely with your squad or solo if you’re brave enough. During your match, love the risks and go for them. It will provide you with higher rewards. But remember that if you lose the game, you should return empty-handed.

The world of aliens sometimes offers exciting things that help you print as Print Resin does. I want to share how to get Print Resin in The Cycle Frontier in this article.

Print Resin - The Cycle Frontier

How to get Print Resin in The Cycle Frontier

In the Cycle: Frontier, Print Resins are a kind of raw materials that can be used to fill up any printer. Once you are covered up with Print Resin, you can easily print your base component each time while exploring the Fortuna III. Each Print Resin holds a weight of 3 kilos, so you can stack them up with a pile of ten.

You can get your Print Resin by exploring the high-traffic areas in Crescent Falls and Bright Sands. Since entering the high-traffic site, you may encounter deadly monsters like the Jeffrey, the Marauder in the Cycle Frontier. So be alert with your every step and often check your stamina.

As I said earlier, you can get your Print Resin in a high-traffic area. Here, you have to look for Dumpsters, Civilian Lockers, and Industrial Crates; these loot containers have a high possibility of having your Print Resin.

Print Resin – Bright Sands

There are not a lot of locations that spawn Print Resin in Bright Sands. Still, the best location and high chance of getting Print Resin will be in the Jungle Camp, which can be found in the top-left corner of the Bright Sand map.

Print Resin Bright Sands Location - The Cycle Frontier

Print Resin – Crescent Falls

Crescent Falls has hundreds of loot containers like dumpsters, civilian lockers, and industrial crates. But, the exact location of collecting Print Resin will be Oasis in the right-side corner of Crescent Falls.

Print Resin Crescent Falls Location - The Cycle Frontier

Here, you can find tented areas with crates that hold the Print Resin. In Oasis, you can also find Autoloader. You can also find Print Resin in Greens Prospect and Pinnacle Labs.

Dumpsters are the ones who are holding a 5.42% to 4.93% high-rate chance of getting Print Resin. Likewise, in Civilian Lockers, you can get a chance of 4.61% to 4.00%. At last, loot like Industrial Crates have 3.42% to 3.04% possibilities to get the Print Resin. You can also create your Print Resin using three Pale Ivy Blossom and one Smart Mesh and add 3300 K-marks.

If you think this guide has helped you, then let us know in the comment section below. And for more The Cycle Frontier guides, keep an eye on Frondtech. Good luck!

That’s all folks!

Last Updated on July 27, 2022

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