Grounded – Blurry Background fix – How to remove Depth of Field

Is the blurry background in Grounded bothering you? Want to completely remove depth of field from the game? Here is a guide for you.

Grounded – Blurry Background fix – How to remove Depth of Field

A lot of players have been complaining lately about the blurred background that you get inside Grounded. According to them the blurry background is make things at distance hard to spot.

It is actually a fact that you could not help but notice how blurry the background is in-game in Grounded. It is almost like there is fog present in the game 24×7.

This can be really annoying for people who do not enjoy depth of field in their games. Now, games normally tend to have a depth of field option in the graphics settings menu that allows us to completely remove it. But unfortunately, Grounded is lacking any sort of option or setting. We have to agree that the video or graphics setting menu in Grounded is really lackluster.

So it there a way to completely remove depth of field from the game and fix the blurry background? Fortunately, there is.

How to fix the blurry background

  1. First thing you need to do is find your Grounded config files
  2. Click here to know the location of the config files
  3. Once you are inside the folder that consists the files, open the one that is called “Engine.ini”
  4. The file should be in .ini format so it can be easily edited via notepad
  5. When you open the file it should look something like this:
  6. Now just add the following lines:
  7. The final result should look something like this:
  8. Save the file

And that is all you need to do! Now just launch the game and you will notice that the background is extremely clear and there is no blur at all. Here is how the game looks after you remove depth of field.

If you think this guide had helped you then let us know in the comment section below. Also, If you have any addition to make regarding this topic then also you can comment below. Good luck!

That’s all folks!

Last Updated on August 1, 2020

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