Borderlands 3 – How to get Anarchy

Anarchy BL3 – Wondering how to get the Anarchy in Borderlands 3? Don’t worry we got you.

Borderlands 3 – How to get Anarchy

Anarchy – Weapon Description

Anarchy is a Shotgun of the Legendary or Orange rarity in Borderlands 3. The weapon is a part of the new DLC called Guns, Love, and Tentacles. And is one of the best Legendary weapons that this DLC has to offer. You should really consider getting this and the Nothingness if you love using shotguns.

So what is so special about the Anarchy? Well, not much, it is just one of the best shotguns in the game. At one point I was hitting 300k+ damage per shot with this weapon. Everything that comes in front of this shotty would more or less perish. And I can already see a nerf incoming soon. Considering how Gearbox works, no way they will let a weapon like this stay in the game without nerfing it. So, stop thinking and get the Anarchy as soon as possible.

Lets take a look at the description of the Anarchy. The one shown here is the Unlimited Anarchy (Level 57):

Damage 494×12
Accuracy 54%
Handling 60%
Reload Time 2.0s
Fire Rate 2.08/s
Magazine Size 8
Red Text The stacks… THE STACKS!

Anarchy – Drop Location

Let me start by saying that this weapon is exclusive to the Guns, Love, and Tentacles DLC. So, you need to either have the Season Pass or purchase the DLC separately in order for you to access the location where this weapon drops.

The Anarchy is a World drop and does not have a dedicated drop source. Fortunately, there are certain locations where you can go farm for this weapon. According to me, in order to get the Anarchy you should try to farm a set of new bosses called Tom and Xam. You can find Tom and Xam at Heart’s Desire at Xylourgos. You will unlock the location when you are almost at the end of the DLC. Here is the exact location of Tom and Xam:

You don’t need to be on Mayhem 4 in order to get this weapon and it can drop at any difficulty, even with Mayhem Mode completely off. But that is not recommended. I did 10 runs on Mayhem 4 and I managed to get the Anarchy four times from Tom and Xam. While on Mayhem I got it only once.

Tom and Xam drops a lot of different Legendary loot. The Soulrender is another good Legendary that you can get from these two bosses. So you can farm other weapons as well alongside the Anarchy here.

If you think this guide had helped you then let us know in the comment section below. Also, we will be adding more Borderland 3 guides soon so keep an eye on Frondtech. Good luck!

Also check out our other Legendary guides from the Guns, Love, and Tentacles DLC:

That’s all folks!

Last Updated on May 29, 2020

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