Best Skills that you need to unlock in Star Wars Jedi Survivor

Star Wars Jedi Survivor Best Skills – Star Wars Jedi Survivor is a Third Person Action-adventure game developed by Respawn Entertainment and published by EA Games. This game is a sequel to the Fallen Order and is available on all Playstation 5, PC and Xbox Game Consoles.

As you progress in the game, you will be able to accumulate alot of skill points. You can use those skill points to upgrade your skills, and there are many skills to choose from. You will earn Skill Points by defeating enemies and bosses. You will also earn these points by fighting different enemies in the game. We have been playing this game for hours now and hence are experienced enough to fetch you the best skills so you can be downright untouchable by enemies.

Indeed, earning these skill points is time-consuming, but it is well worth it, and you should prioritize it depending on the hours you put into this game.

So this article will guide you about the best skills you can unlock in Star Wars Jedi Survivor.

Best Skills that you need to unlock in Star Wars Jedi Survivor

Best Skills that you need to unlock in Star Wars Jedi Survivor

You can choose from three different Skill Types, each with its specialities.

  1. Survival Skills
  2. Lightsaber Skills
  3. Force Skills

Survival Skills

When it comes to survival, it means staying alive at any cost. So it would be best if you used some of your skill points to upgrade your maximum health. The Health column is a central column in the Skill Tree. You can try getting the Improved Stim Formula and the Teamwork which will help you recover from a Stim and increase your health. This ability also reduces the time they take to use Stim. You can also try out the Focused Sight, which will help you dodge attacks automatically, although it does cost you a certain amount of Force. Remember that unlocking Focussed Sight also enables you to get an Achievement.

Lightsaber Skills

Although these skill selections will vary depending on your lightsaber stance, these are some of the best ones you can use.

Single Blade You can unlock skills like the Lunging Strike, while the Aerial Assault can give you a tremendous overhead slash leap, and you can upgrade that with the Aerial Ace.
Double Blade You can use Vortex Dive for the Spinning Attack, which is best for weak enemies and Double Orbit as it enhances your heavy attacks (but with proper timings)
Dual Wield  Unlock the Dancing Blades that allow Cal to bounce his lightsabers between enemies and are great for enemies attacking from a distance.
Crossguard The Rending Swipe and Sundering Swipe are great for Crossguard Players as they are helpful for both single and multiple enemies.
Blaster You can use the Quick Draw for Blaster Players, which decreases your reloading time.

Force Skills

Although the Force Skills arent as option rich as Lightsaber Skills, there are a few of those that you can make good use of. Use your skill points to get all the Augmented Skills because they will increase Cal’s Maximum Power. You can also try out the Unrelenting Pull, which will help you pull the large-sized enemies.

Mass Slam and Soaring Life skills are crucial, and they will allow you to tackle a large group of enemies by lifting them and then slamming them onto the ground.

So these are all the required must-have skills you can unlock in Jedi Survivor. But we recommend you try out every one of them and use which suits the best for your playstyle. Also, change different gameplay difficulty levels to fine-tune your skill tree build.

If you are facing Performance Issues with Star Wars Jedi Survivor, then this article might help.

If you think this guide has helped you, then let us know in the comment section below. And for more Star Wars Jedi Survivor PC guides, keep an eye on Frondtech. We will be covering every single technical issue of the game. Good luck!

That’s all, folks!

Last Updated on May 2, 2023

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